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East Meets West Holistic Physical Therapy
and Wellness Center
Welcome to the Omni Experience
Omni Physical Therapy is committed to keeping you and your family safe during the coronavirus pandemic.
Most Frequent Questions
Please click on the question to find the answer
How do I choose a physical therapy clinic?
How do I schedule an appointment?
How does a manual therapist differ from a physical therapist?
How does the billing process work?
How long will each treatment last?
How many visits will I need?
How should I dress?
Is physical therapy painful?
Is there a difference between therapists?
Will I work with the same therapist each time?
What do physical therapists do?
What happens if my problem or pain returns?
What is your privacy policy?
What should I bring with me?
Will the therapist communicate with my doctor?
What types of treatment will I receive?
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